Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My son, Rayhan !

Sorry to update this blog toooo late about this news ! I am blessed with baby boy on 13th March 2008. Myself and Nishu gone through some of the most enjoyable emotions in our lives. We are grateful to Allah, for blessing us with parenthood.

We named the baby as Mohammad Rayhan. There are two meaning for Rayhan:
- First, sweet smelling plant/flower. Its mentioned in Surah Ar-rahman (55)

"Ar-Rahman is often regarded as the 'beauty of the Quran', in accordance with a hadith: Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud reported that the Prophet Muhammad said, "Everything has an adornment, and the adornment of the Qur'an is Surah ar Rahman" [Bayhaqi in Shuab al Eiman]

The main theme of the Surah is giving manifestation and fruits to the attribution of Allah's mercy and grace, which is evident right from the beginning, till the very end."

- Second, in some web sites, the meaning is mentioned as "Favored by God".

On this occasion, I would like to thank my parents, Nishu's parents and all family members for their love and support. May Allah bless Rayhan with health, happiness and success !

1 comment:

AR said...

Salaams. i just googled 'rayhan' and ur blog appeared in the search results. my husband and i have also decided to name our son Rayhan. Rayhan Ahamed. Thank you for the information on where it appears in the Quran and hadiths. :)